Fan Corner

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43,278 thoughts on “Fan Corner

  1. Hello everyone!
    On this video proposed by abacoocaba, we all see that the footage is from Sky-A TV, excellent professional footage, so my question is: does anyone here have any information, a link for example, let’s dream a little, on the whole programme?
    Last year there was a full programme after the AJBA Contest.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I found this information on the Sky-A TV website:

      The 35th All Japan Marching Contest , which will be held at Osaka Castle Hall on November 20th, will be broadcast again this year!
      Sky A will install a camera on the ceiling, and we will also send you the team formation with an angle from directly above.
      Which team will win the highest honor, the gold medal!

      “Osaka University of Arts Group PRESENTS Marching Bravo! ~Put Hope on Music~”
      The 35th All Japan Marching Contest [Broadcast date]・12/24 (Sat) 19: 00-21: 30 < Part 1>・ 12/25 (Sun) 19: 00-21: 30 < Part 2>
      [Program page]

      Let’s hope now that one of our Japanese friends will be able to share it with us, it would be a nice present for Christmas! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I just watched KT’s 2021 and 2022 Nationals gold winning pieces and tried to compare the two. I remember either Alan-san or MartinC-san had commented earlier that the two choreographies are quite similar, but definitely not the same. The Fanfare and The Sing were the only songs played twice in a row, with a new arrangement for The Sing. The marching choreography seems the same (though as an amateur in marching I can’t really be sure), but the rest of the choreography is definitely different.

    I then watched the Tamana Girls’ 2021 and 2022 gold winning pieces and to my amazement the two are basically the same. From their setlist, the marching and free choreographies (aside from little tweaks here and there), they performed basically the same pieces. Would that be the reason why they always win gold, because this set list and choreo won gold last year there’s no reason why it wouldn’t win another gold this year?

    Sorry guys I don’t want to stir some hornets’ nest here, I just feel that the current 3rd and 2nd graders of the Tamana Girls can do this performance in their sleep. Now I really appreciate those schools who perform different set lists and choreographies every year. That makes their practice for perfection a little harder for the entire team, not just for the freshmen. I know one very, very good school that does this every year.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Ray, I’m sorry, I didn’t believe you. How could a performance be the same as last year’s and still be awarded gold?
      So I ran last year’s Tamana Girls’ video as a PIP on this year’s. I’m afraid I saw no difference. At all. Even the soloist’s instrument is the same. Down to the DM’s twirls- they look identical! I am gobsmacked.

      I think your initiative to compare last year’s and this year’s performances excellent and revealing.

      So what about KT? As you concentrated on the free part of the contest more than on the “marching choreography”, I’ve looked instead at the latter. In fact, the performances are significantly different.

      Starting with the Fanfare, obviously the music is the same, but player positioning and Colour Guard movements are different.
      Turning to the required marching moves:
      1st 90 degree turns are different.
      2nd turns are the same.
      3rd turns are very different. That’s where last year, the first four rows (horizontally nearest to us) reversed before moving forward again to turn left away from us. Also last year, the CG’s flags were unfurled.
      4th and final 90 degree turns are about the same. But then, as they move to line up horizontally on the far side to us, again last year’s rows nearest to us reverse into position.
      After which, as the band approach us, interestingly on both occasions the DM veers around Sousa as she marches across her, yet Sousa is placed on different rows.
      Then comes the 180 degrees turn from right to left: This is the second year when the players have reverted to a simple turn. In 2014, KT had introduced a complex double turn at this point. It was maintained in the 2020 Sky-A Tournament but abandoned in 2021 and now in 2022. (Side note: in checking the Sky-A performance, once again, as ever before, upon seeing it I get a gulp in the throat. How did they manage such a wonderful show? Sorry, irrelevant. Except, of course, the juniors then are the seniors now.)

      The marching formations over, last year the clarinet quartet moved forward for the ballad whilst this year the whole band shapes up for its first creative ‘feather’ formation (in homage to Edith Piaf, I say!).

      Conclusion. The whole approach to the contest is utterly different to that of Tamana Girls’.
      Whilst always inspired by the past, KT’s students forever dare to think afresh; and work hard to create new contest performances that each are things of beauty.

      Liked by 7 people

      • Ok, ok Alan-san it was a feather not a sparrow, a banana or a whale. Well, as I’ve said before, this gives me a deeper appreciation of what these kids think and do for their performance. And additionally compairing their competition piece from Tokyo Sobun to the Kyoto and Kansai stages, and then on to Taiwan, you can see the evolution. Besides, we are only discussing their competition piece. They also change their annual parade and stage performances. Amazing, simply amazing.

        Liked by 5 people

        • For me, KT’s main strength is not her playing and dancing ability, that can be achieved with training. Or the memorization of dozens of songs. But his creativity. The ability to invent and improve. To change everything every year, to change during the year, even in the middle of a simple rehearsal with a guest. It is amazing that they maintains this characteristic generation after generation. And without being dependent on her coaches, who have also been changed.

          Liked by 3 people

        • Finally, I think is very unfair for the judges to give max scores to bandas that present the same thing year after year. Creativity should also be a judging criterion. Imagine a philharmonic always presents the same 3 songs, concert after concert?

          Liked by 2 people

          • Hi abacoocaba-san. Remember our discussion on Seika’s never-changing parade setlist? That’s why I said I don’t feel excited watching Seika or Tamana in a parade because I already know what they’re playing. Then here comes KT in a parade. You just have to watch them to see the new things they have prepared for us. And then maybe follow the throngs of people following them haha.

            Liked by 3 people

      • Did you notice that, for the performance at the Finals, ‘Creta’ had added a twirl just before the salute? (1:29)

        The only other difference I noticed from what we have seen at Meridian, Taiwan, Kansai, etc. was before and after the 180 ° turn. Instead of facing sideways towards the judges, they faced forwards and then they all turn to face the judges at the same time as a new line of music with more instruments and volume starts (2:58), giving the change more emphasis.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Hi MartinC-san. How about before and after the ++ formation, was there a difference? Unfortunately in Taiwan the overhead shot was cut just a split second after the ++ so its hard to tell. But the camera angle at the Meridian Fest was too low for me to spot some difference.


      • Alan. I’ll forever be with you when you mention the 2020 Sky-A show. That particular show is and has been my favorite ever since seeing it the first time … and not just because of the “move.” I have always maintained that this show should be used in a competition contest. It has all the qualities that make for a consistent winner. And, I do have to say that the judges seeing this routine for the first time will be blown away by the “move.” Right?

        Liked by 2 people

    • Tamana has been doing this routine since I think 2015 (since I watched these AJMC contests). It’s not only Tamana, other shcools too. Yodogawa also does it(for years, same music, routines) and also Narashino (Russian dance). These are the only schools I remembered, but there are others. You can checked the videos posted in the comments section of previous AJMC, and compare them. SEIKA sticks to a template, but you can see common themes in it.


  3. ODF-san,

    In this video, KT took a photo together with Kagamino Junior High School in “Kami City, Kagawa Prefecture.” (香川県 香美市立鏡野中学校) Although it has the same name as Kagamino JHS in Okayama Prefecture, the two junior high schools are different. Please update the information in the Event section.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Yeah, I wish that’s the case. We all know about “band’s seats” . I’m talking about seats that are already sold but empty:


        Liked by 2 people

        • Doing that for what is essentially a school show (even if high profile) deserves some penalty, i.e. traditional pillory and whipping… Kids expect to present their best and people to see it – then they see empty seats instead…

          In many countries such actions are forbidden by law, at least in my country reselling tickets for sports or artistic shows at price higher then buy price is penalized by “arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine”.

          I’d still prefer optional public flogging though.

          Liked by 1 person

    • There has been a very long line of very good and effective DM’s through the years, but I think Creta has served her time at the head of the Orange Devils in a most charming and knowledgeable manner, especially in Tiawan and now at the AJMC competition. Wouldn’t it be nice if she could serve another year? Thank you, Creta, for doing your job so beautifully.

      Liked by 9 people

      • Someday, when KT comes back to march in the Rose Parade again, I really hope DM Creta is one of the three DMs in front of the procession, along with DM Racho. This would be similar to what KT did in 2018 when Ron was the DM of the band. I thought it looked amazing.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Congratulations tall of the orange devils.well done! What a wonderful year they are having. Like so many of you just wishing for more videos of them. they’re going to blow those tall hats clean off the guards. What fun that would be to see them exchange uniforms with them Can’t you just see them wearing those high bear skin hats?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Probably not, but we can hope and trust that Tsubame Planning will be both there and Matsusho’s RC to record them in all their glory, as he has done before. The fine camera work with multiple angles will of course take its time to edit and publish.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Yes… Izumo is not as protective as that of KT-band’s event especially if it’s commercial one.
        So Izumo’s event has always been published in Youtube.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Video seems to be taken by someone from Taiwan (the more the merrier!). Great fun to watch. Seeing them lug all that equipment about provides conclusive evidence as to the advantage of playing piccolo.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Alan. Your comment about playing piccolo reminded me of the era of our jazz band setting up and taking down after a gig. I always envied the piano player. He could just wander in, go to the piano that was already at the site , sit down and play, and afterwards just get up and walk away. In the meantime, I was still taking down and packing away the drum kit. Would I do all that again? You better believe it … it was the best of times.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Ragar-san, thanks for your sharing. I found out this Youtuber is a Taiwanese and he seemed to particularly make this trip from Taiwan to Osaka (Japan withdrawed the travel restriction in mid-October) only for recording KT’s before-and-after scenes. It looks like he did not watch the contest and wait for 3+ hours outsides the building. He said the second half video will be posted very soon. What a die-hard fan from Taiwan!

      Liked by 6 people

      • This video is very telling. And the commentary says a lot. I was moved.


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        The Kyoto Tachibana High School Wind Ensemble Club, who came to Taiwan from Japan to participate in the National Day performance, recently participated in the 35th All Japan Marching Wind Music Competition in Japan and won the gold award. This is the second year in a row that Orange High School has won the Gold Award in the National Competition. The arrangement of their entries this time retains the double-ten formations performed in Taiwan, and then adjusts them into more complex formations. When changing huge formations, it is as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water, which is different. The change of formation did not stop at all, and the change was done in one go. It is precisely this spirit of continuous self-improvement that still managed to achieve the second consecutive championship in the competition surrounded by strong enemies”

        Liked by 1 person

    • Very interesting. The video covers the entire Academy including the school. I hope everyone can identify the year and event featured on the “water stage”!
      My reading of material concerning the University is that it has developed, and its stature has grown, considerably over the decades. Moreover, there’s an overall theme here: “Learning to change the world- be a person who enjoys change”. I sense a progressive force for the future, that intentionally includes the band and its students. Fanciful perhaps, but remember who accompanied them on their ground-breaking trip to Taiwan?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a fantastic result for KT, they certainly kept their focus after the trip to Taiwan and all the excitement that came with it!

    Since I’m currently in Osaka anyway (but didn’t manage to win the ticket lottery, as I posted weeks ago), I went down to Osaka-jo this morning to check out the pre-contest atmosphere. As soon as I exited the Osaka Loop Line train at Ōsakajō-kōen (“Osaka Castle Park”) station at around 11am, it was clear that all the people there did not just come for the Nationals. Osaka Castle Park is a very popular weekend destination for the locals, if the weather is nice, and to top it off there was a ramen festival this weekend, with lots of different types of ramen to sample from stands between the station exit of Osaka-jo Hall.

    The next thing I suddenly noticed that stood out were the many KT bags! So many of the signature white bags with the red stripes, each of them had lots of the usual charms and decorations dangling from them. The KT members were strolling or sitting around in smaller and larger groups scattered around the busy place wearing their black, long training pants and dark blue jackets, the same outfits as in the video of the post-tournament photo session posted yesterday. One detail I never noticed before is that each jacket has the wearer’s name stitched in romanized spelling (first name initial plus last name) on the left sleeve.

    I was a bit confused, because I thought I would be seeing them, and other bands, practicing somewhere on the grounds (typically close to the castle moat) and wearing some “orange” already. Maybe the practice session took place already earlier that morning? Quite a few parents were also with them (well, only mothers actually, I think the fathers are never to be seen, they do other things on Sundays).

    What I noticed was that almost all of them were eating, and lots, as if they didn’t know where their next meal would come from 🤣! Many of them ate Yakiniku (various types of meat or seafood grilled on a wooden stick), and they circled between the food stalls, Starbucks, the drinks vending machines, and the Lawson convenience store 😃.

    But what struck me the most was how relaxed they all were! Absolutely nothing in their behavior would let you think they were playing for national gold in a few hours. They looked like they were going on a school trip to a theme park with lots of food sampling, taking selfies, joking around with each other, and having fun!

    I’m not sure where they had their instruments, I only saw the occasional trumpet case. When I passed some of them and it didn’t feel I would interrupt anything, I wished them good luck.

    In the meantime other bands arrived wearing their uniforms and entered Osaka-jo Hall as a group. When it was clear that I wouldn’t be witnessing any practice session, I moved on to my next destination for the day, the Solaniwa Onsen, which I wanted to finally try out. That turned out to be a very relaxing afternoon 😀.

    Liked by 9 people

  5. Have these results been posted yet?

    1 Tokai Aichi Aiko Daimei Den – Silver
    2 Kansai Osaka Minoh Jiyu Gakuen – GOLD
    3 Shikoku Tokushima Tokushima merchant – Bronze
    4 China Hiroshima Hiroshima Shoyo – Silver
    5 Kansai Kyoto Kyoto Tachibana – GOLD
    6 Kyushu Nagasaki Active water/high – GOLD
    7 Tokyo Tokyo Tokai Otakanawadai – GOLD
    8 Hokuriku Toyama Toyama Commercial – Silver
    9 Hokkaido Hokkaido Engaru – Bronze
    10 Kansai Hyogo Takigawa II – GOLD
    11 Kyushu Kumamoto Tamana Girls – GOLD
    12 Tokai Aichi Anjo Academy – Bronze
    13 West Kanto Saitama Ina Gakuen – Silver
    14 East Kanto Chiba City Funabashi – Silver
    15 China Shimane Matsue Commercial – Bronze
    16 Tohoku Fukushima Teikyo Azumi – Bronze
    17 East Kanto Chiba Ichikashiwa – Silver
    18 East Kanto Chiba Narashino – GOLD
    19 West Kanto Saitama Eimei – Silver
    20 China Shimane Izumo Hokuryo – Silver
    21 Kyushu Fukuoka Seika Girls – GOLD
    22 West Kanto Gunma University of Tokyo – GOLD
    23 Tohoku Miyagi Saint Ursula Academy Eichi – Silver
    24 Tokai Aichi Konan HS – Bronze
    25 Shikoku Tokushima Jonouchi Secondary – Bronze

    Gold = 9 Silver = 9 Bronze = 7
    Less generous than last year (11,9,5) but slightly more generous than the official allocation (9,8,8).

    Liked by 4 people

  6. The marching piece that Tamana Girls played today was ‘The Bandwagon’, not ‘Merry Go Round’ as I suggested in the chat room (and with which others agreed, to be fair!).
    Kyoto Tachibana played ‘The Bandwagon’ for its march in the AJMC entries for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2017. No wonder some people are unsettled by the recent new-fangled changes, like having a different march each year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I passed that spot at Osaka Station this morning on my way to catch the Osaka Loop Line to Osaka Castle, I guess I missed them by few hours 😅


      • Up until 2013 the rule was that if a band appeared in the finals for three consecutive years they could not participate in the contest the following year. For this reason KT could not participate in 2010. However, the way things worked out in later years, it might have been to KT’s advantage had that rule been retained, as they kept being blocked from getting beyond Kansai by bands that reached the finals every year. Now KT will have to try to be one of those bands that reach the finals every year!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. O-VILS. has announced that their first CD “Range of O” will be published on January 11, 2023 containing the three songs written by Mita-san (click here). Additionally, there will be a minilive in a launch event at Hankyū Nishinomiya Gardens (shopping mall in Nishinomiya, Hyōgo Prefecture) on December 11, 2022 (click here).

    Liked by 3 people

    • On the information page it’s said of the release event: “*Currently, it is possible to shoot both still images and videos, but this may change on the day.” …so let’s keep our fingers crossed for that to remain the case. 🤞


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